Erik Davis is a San Francisco-based writer, culture critic, and independent scholar. He is the author of TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information, as well as a short critical volume on Led Zeppelin IV. Davis contributes to scores of magazines, and his essays have been included in over a dozen books. He won a Maggie award for his San Francisco Magazine profile of the Internet entrepreneur and UFO contactee Joe Firmage, while The New Yorker has recognized his expertise in the works of the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. He lectures frequently on topics ranging from electronic music to the evolution of consciousness.
For more information about Erik Davis www.erikdavis.org
Michael Rauner is a San Francisco-based photographer, bookmaker, and installation artist. He has shown his artwork in many places, including Denver's Museum of Contemporary Art, George Eastman House, photo-eye Gallery, The Center for Photography at Woodstock, and Internationale Fototage in Germany. His artwork and handmade photographic books reside in numerous private and public collections, including the permanent collections of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and The Bancroft Library. His photographs have recently been published in San Francisco: The Political Edge, by City Lights Books, and Picturing Eden by Steidl.
For more information about Michael Rauner www.michaelrauner.com